mixed basic diagrams 1 mixed basic diagrams 3 mixed basic diagrams 2 mixed basic diagrams 4 mixed basic diagrams 5
Strategic Management Models

Das kulturelle Web  -  Anthony's Dreieck  -  Belbin's Teamrollen  -  Porter's Diamant  -  Stakeholder Mapping  -  Porter's fünf Wettbewerbskräfte  -  4 R der Business Transformation  -  Ansoff's Matrix  -  Boston-Box  -  Greiner's 5 Phasen  -  Kernkompetenzen  -  Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren  -  PEST  -  Porter's generische Strategien  -  Produktlebenszyklus  -  SWOT Analyse  -  Value Chain  -  Break even  -  Skaleneffekt  -  Nachfrageelastizitäten  -  Portfoliomatrix  -  4 P's von McCarthy  -  PDCA Zyklus  -  Wertekette  -  BCG Matrix  -  McKinsey's 7-S Modell  -  Porter's 5 Wettbewerbskräfte  -  Porter's Diamant  -  PIMS Paradigma  -  Strategisches Dreieck  -  Leavitt's Diamant  -  Maslow's Bedürfnispyramide  -  Herzberg's Theorie  -  Fünf Wachstumstreiber  -  Pareto Kurve  -  ABC Analyse  -  CIM Konzept  -  Total Quality Management  -  Supply Chain Management  -  Du Pont Schema.

Generic Competitive Strategies
Generic Competitive Strategies
The Strategic Triangle I
The Strategic Triangle I
The Strategic Triangle II
The Strategic Triangle II
Trilogy Strategy - Culture - Structure
Trilogy Strategy - Culture - Structure
Optimum Degree of Formal Organization
Optimum Degree of Formal Organization
The Flow of Formal Authority
The Flow of Formal Authority
Functional, Divisional, Multidivisional Structures
Functional, Divisional, Multidivisional Structures
A Matrix Design
A Matrix Design
Models of Virtuality
Models of Virtuality
Leavitt's Diamond: The Interaction of Social Forces in an Organization
Leavitt's Diamond: The Interaction of Social Forces in an Organization
Action-centred Leadership
Action-centred Leadership
Group Development
Group Development
Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X and Theory Y
Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs I
Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs I
Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs II
Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs II
Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory
Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory
Parallels Among Need Theories of Motivation
Parallels Among Need Theories of Motivation
Managerial Grid
Managerial Grid
Situational Leadership
Situational Leadership
Cultural Web
Cultural Web
Dynamics of Paradigm Change
Dynamics of Paradigm Change
Four Organizational Cultures
Four Organizational Cultures
Integrated Model of Strategic Management
Integrated Model of Strategic Management