mixed basic diagrams 1 mixed basic diagrams 3 mixed basic diagrams 2 mixed basic diagrams 4 mixed basic diagrams 5
Strategic Management Models

Das kulturelle Web  -  Anthony's Dreieck  -  Belbin's Teamrollen  -  Porter's Diamant  -  Stakeholder Mapping  -  Porter's fünf Wettbewerbskräfte  -  4 R der Business Transformation  -  Ansoff's Matrix  -  Boston-Box  -  Greiner's 5 Phasen  -  Kernkompetenzen  -  Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren  -  PEST  -  Porter's generische Strategien  -  Produktlebenszyklus  -  SWOT Analyse  -  Value Chain  -  Break even  -  Skaleneffekt  -  Nachfrageelastizitäten  -  Portfoliomatrix  -  4 P's von McCarthy  -  PDCA Zyklus  -  Wertekette  -  BCG Matrix  -  McKinsey's 7-S Modell  -  Porter's 5 Wettbewerbskräfte  -  Porter's Diamant  -  PIMS Paradigma  -  Strategisches Dreieck  -  Leavitt's Diamant  -  Maslow's Bedürfnispyramide  -  Herzberg's Theorie  -  Fünf Wachstumstreiber  -  Pareto Kurve  -  ABC Analyse  -  CIM Konzept  -  Total Quality Management  -  Supply Chain Management  -  Du Pont Schema.

Product Pyramid Profit
Product Pyramid Profit
Multicomponent Profit
Multicomponent Profit
Switchboard Profit
Switchboard Profit
Time Profit
Time Profit
Blockbuster Profit
Blockbuster Profit
Profit Multiplier Model
Profit Multiplier Model
Entrepreneurial Profit
Entrepreneurial Profit
Specialization Profit
Specialization Profit
Installed Base Profit
Installed Base Profit
De Facto Standard Profit
De Facto Standard Profit
Brand Profit
Brand Profit
Specialty Product Profit
Specialty Product Profit
Local Leadership Profit
Local Leadership Profit
Transaction Scale Profit
Transaction Scale Profit
Value Chain Position Profit
Value Chain Position Profit
Cycle Profit
Cycle Profit
After-Sale Profit
After-Sale Profit
New Product Profit
New Product Profit
Relative Market Share Profit
Relative Market Share Profit
Experience Curve Profit
Experience Curve Profit
Low-Cost Business Design Profit
Low-Cost Business Design Profit
GE's Business Design: "Sell the Solution, Not Just the Box"
GE's Business Design: "Sell the Solution, Not Just the Box"
The SMH Product Pyramid
The SMH Product Pyramid
Coca-Cola's Business Design: Manage the Value Chain
Coca-Cola's Business Design: Manage the Value Chain